Thursday, October 27, 2005

Coffee For One

It's been a fairly boring week coffee-wise.

So boring, in fact, that I found myself staring at this arrangement on Wednesday.

One coffee. One muffin. Empty chair opposite. :o(

Despite the boredom ... and probably prompted by the downpour outside, I still spent about 40 minutes sipping away.

So where was everyone? Phil = sick, Tim = holiday, Claire = covered in mud, Michelle = shopping ... all bad planning if you ask me. I think we should have a meeting to discuss some sort of emergency plan should this sort of thing every happen again.

Come on people! Get organised!

1 comment:

Phil said...

"I think we should have a meeting to discuss some sort of emergency plan".

Actually, we should have a pre-meeting meeting in order to discuss the agenda for the emergency plan meeting.

Maybe we should do it over coffee one lunchtime?