Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dusty shit...

Jesus, look at all the dust and cobwebs in here! What is this place? Looks completely deserted by the look of it. Can't have been anyone here in years.

Hang on... what's this sign here? Just let me rub the dust off it...

"STUCKS LOG"? Eh? That doesn't make any sense... ah, hang on, there's some more letters under here... yep, that's better.

"STARBUCKS BLOG". Nope, still doesn't make any sense.

And what's that over there? Eugh... I think that used to be some kind of fish in a bowl. Bit crispy now though.

Ah well, the batteries in this torch are running out. No way I'm staying here in the dark on my own. It's creepy. Maybe I'll come back with a search party.


IZP said...

All the flowers that you planted, mama, in the backyard*, all died when you went away.

*This is not a euphemism, though having seen Hot Fuzz I suspect you're just one lingering glance and a Nick Frost away from it.

Oli Tee said...

Let's face it ... I'm the only person who posted to this thing in earnest. I would come in and give it a dust down every now and then, but I've my own blog to keep tidy ;o)

BTW: izp, that's not a very good photo of you ... but from what I can see, you have an uncanny resemblence to Eric Sykes :o)

IZP said...

Who said that?
Is there somebody else here?